Addictions & Substance Abuse

Addictions & Substance Abuse

Private & group Addictions & Substance Misuse programs and counseling are available. We have specialists dedicated to helping clients with addictions and substance misuse problems.

Addiction & Substance Abuse Programs

Court Counseling Institute provides court-approved addiction & substance abuse programs and addiction & substance abuse counseling services. What is the difference?

Addiction & Substance Abuse Program

An addictions & substance abuse program (group or private) is a 10-week psycho-educational program, delivered by an addictions specialist or mental health professional specifically trained in addictions & substance abuse issues. Our programs are, in most cases, satisfactory for court purposes. We provide these programs in:


1-Day Group Sessions


10-Week Group Sessions


Private Counselling

You can complete this program in a live, online class with a live counselor.

Virtual Counseling Available

Court Counseling Institute offers 100% online classes (Group & Private Sessions) with live counselors. These programs are court-approved and often recommended by the courts. We have flexible schedules and many counselors to choose from.


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USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
