About Us

Court Counseling Institute, was launched as The Anger Managers,

by our founder Jessica Echeverri in 2010. During her years working as a Counselor, Jessica saw a distinct need in the industry for convenient, low-priced services that were client-centered. She experienced a lot of frustration trying to find the youth on her caseload services that didn’t require long wait lists, stuffy environments, and lots of money. A true entrepreneur at heart, Jessica created Court Counseling Institute with a dream to help clients in their times of need.

Since then, Jessica and all the staff at Court Counseling Institute have been devoted to putting our clients first. We work with clients, families, lawyers, employers, City Employees, union officials, crown attorneys, and other court officials across Canada and the U.S.A. to bring resolutions to court, employment, and family cases and healing to our clients and their loved ones.

Court Counseling Institute has a psycho-educational, coupled with psychotherapy approach to the services and we are focused on making each client comfortable throughout their services. We remain accountable to third-party referrers (employers, lawyers, courts), while seeking to truly help the client in a way that is personal to each of them.


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USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
