Court-Related Services

Anger Management

We offer Anger Management programs in many formats. We provide group 1-day courses across Canada on a weekly basis. We also have one-on-one courses in-office and live online counselling. We serve individuals, couples, families, & employers.


Mandated to attend one of our group or private parenting programs? Looking for help with parenting? We have in-office and online counselling services for you. Specializing in Court & C.A.S. mandated cases.

Domestic Violence (PAR Alternative)

We offer a private, 12-Hour Domestic Violence Course that is 100% Court Approved. We seek approval from the court BEFORE beginning the course to ensure that it will be approved. In-office and live online counselling available.

Addictions & Substance Abuse

Private & group Addictions & Substance Misuse programs and counselling are available. We have specialists dedicated to helping clients with addictions and substance misuse problems.

Specialty Counseling

The Anger Managers offers Specialty Counselling for court-related subjects. We can focus on anything from co-parenting to road rage or sexual deviancy. Come to our office or connect with a Counselor via Skype from the comfort of your home.

Regular Services

Other Services

Please speak to our knowledgable staff

before booking services.


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USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
