Regular Services

General Counseling

You don’t have to have Anger Management or Domestic Violence issues to work with us! We offer General Counselling to everyone. Come to our office or connect with a Counselor via Skype from the comfort of your home.

Marriage Counseling

We provide marriage counseling for married couples or established partners in order to overcome relationship issues. Come to our office or speak with a Counselor from the comfort of your own home via Skype.


Mandated to attend one of our group or private parenting programs? Looking for help with parenting? We have in-office and online counselling services for you. Specializing in Court & C.A.S. mandated cases.

Court-Related Services

Other Services

Please speak to our knowledgable staff

before booking services.


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USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
