Active Parenting

Active Parenting

Active Parenting programs provide parents with the skills to help their children survive and thrive through all growth stages. It is a parent-based psycho-educational program that focuses on non-violent discipline, mutual respect, and open communication.

Court Counseling Institute teaches this course in the following formats:


2-Day Group Sessions


10-Week Group Sessions


Private Counselling

If you are not taking this course for court reasons, you are welcome to register in any course, other please contact us to ensure that you are enrolling in the correct program.

Virtual Counseling Available

Court Counseling Institute offers 100% online classes (Group & Private Sessions) with live counselors. These programs are court-approved and often recommended by the courts. We have flexible schedules and many counselors to choose from.


Estamos aquí para ayudarle a registrarse

USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
