
Mandated to attend one of our group or private parenting programs?

 Looking for help with parenting?

We have in-office and online counseling services for you.

Specializing in Court & C.A.S. mandated cases.

Parenting Program

Court Counseling Institute provide court-approved parenting programs and Parenting counselling services. What is the difference?

Parenting Program

A parenting program (group or private) is a 10 to 17-weeks psychoeducational program, delivered by a mental health professional specifically trained in parenting issues. Court Counseling Institute runs two types of programs:


Family Court


Active Parenting

These programs are, in most cases, satisfactory for court purposes. We provide these programs in:


2-Day Group Sessions (Active Parenting)


17-Week Group Sessions (Caring Dads)


Private Parenting Counselling

You can complete either of these in a live, online class with a live counsellor.

Parenting Counselling

Parenting counselling is focused on you and your specific difficulties and goals. This type of counselling is suited for clients who recognize that they are struggling and who want to work towards developing a healthier parenting style.

Virtual Counseling Available

Court Counseling Institute offers 100% online classes (Group & Private Sessions) with live counselors. These programs are court-approved and often recommended by the courts. We have flexible schedules and many counselors to choose from.


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USA: (720) 604-2331

Canada: (647) 528-3412
